What's New
- Version 6.8.3 released January,
2022: Added 2 calibers: 6.8 Western, and 6.5mm Weatherby
RPM. Added 105 new loads and 71 new bullets. Fixed bugs reported by
users, and changed code that triggered alerts from some security software.
Also tested for compatibility with Windows® 11 and found no issues.
- Version 6.8.2 released January,
2021: Added the 6mm ARC caliber. Added 88 new loads and 106
new bullets. Added the option to import data from Oehler System 89 Data
Export (Excel® report) files.
- Version 6.8.1 released January,
2019: Added 2 calibers: 224 Valkyrie, and 300 PRC. Added
104 new loads and 22 new bullets. Some bullet manufacturers have made
corrections to published BC and bullet length values, which we have
updated in the bullet library. Given the large number of calibers we
improved how the caliber selection list works in the Ammo and Bullet
We included the GA custom drag function, which is being used by air
gun enthusiasts for pellet BC values. We also developed and included
the GAx custom drag function to allow full 3 digit precision for air
gun pellet BC values. A GAx value of 0.270 equals a GA value of 0.027.
This gives users the ability to fine tune BC values based on observations.
For example, if less drop than expected is observed a value of 0.275
can be used with GAx as opposed to a GA value of 0.028.
- Version 6.8.0 released June,
2018: The new Graph Traces display features a single control
that sets both the span and position of ranges that are displayed. This
gives you the best view of any range you're interested in. Clicking
on the graph at a point of interest opens a data grid showing the exact
values of all plots at that range for each type of data. Mach bars from
0.5 to 2.0 in 0.1 Mach increments lets you track velocity while plotting
any type of data. The prior Graph Traces display is renamed to Graph
Traces (classic) and both the new and classic displays can be used at
the same time.

With growing interest in extreme long range shooting, the longest scale
has been extended to 6,000 yards/meters. Increments of 5 and 10 yards/meters
are available at all scales out to 6,000 yards/meters with other increments
depend on the selected scale as shown in the chart below.

Added aerodynamic jump to downrange calculations whenever Spin Drift
is turned on. Aerodynamic jump calculations need the same information
as spin drift, so adding this calculation doesn't require you to enter
any additional information.
- Version 6.7.0 released January,
2018: Added the Laser Boresight Target tool. Laser boresighters
often come only with a generic boresight target that approximates a
typical hunting rifle zeroed at some typical range using some typical
ammo and requires the boresight target to be placed at some specific
distance downange. Such one-size-fits-all targets likely didn't meet
the needs of many shooters and certainly don't utilize the full accuracy
of high quality laser boresighters.

You can use all the features of Ballistics Explorer to precisely calculate
the sight adjustment needed to zero your load at a given range using
standard or custom drag functions under a wide range of conditions and
then print a boresight target.

Place the printed target at the distance you specified downrange
from the gun's muzzle (printed on the target) and then adjust the
gun's sights so that the aim point lines up with the printed crosshair
while the laser is centered within the printed laser spot. The gun
can be bore sighted at a short distance indoors well enough to get
on target at longer zero ranges saving you ammo and time at the shooting
Added the Project feature, which not only lets you save trace
data, but all open view and tool window locations and sizes as well
as most of their settings. Explore various gun, ammo, and sight-in
scenarios, and if it's something you may want to revisit, just save
it as a project file. Easily organize your projects using descriptive
file and subfolder names; anything Windows® supports.
Added the following calibers: 22 Nosler, 26 Nosler, 28 Nosler,
30 Nosler, 33 Nosler, 280 Ackley Improved, 375 Flanged NE, 500-416
Nitro Express, 7.62x51mm NATO, 6.5-300 Weatherby Mag, 6.5mm PRC, 6.5x57mm
Mauser, and 9.3x72mm R. Added 673 loads and 114 bullets. Now there
are over 3300 loads and over 2600 bullets in the library.
- Version 6.6.0 released January,
2017: Introducing the Drag Analyzer; a tool that lets you
see bullet drag not just that of the drag function, but also that of
the BC itself along with air density, speed of sound, head and tail
winds. You get the full picture for the velocity range and conditions
you select.

Look through the numbers fog to see how various drag functions differ,
and in the case of stepped BC values, which standard function they most
closely match. In the example above you can see how the BC steps for
the Sierra MK bullet correct G1 to better follow G7. Someone using this
bullet might find the easily calculated G7 equivalent BC better matches
their drop observations, and thus, makes better trajectory predictions
at extended ranges.
Custom drag functions such as those offered by Lapua are now
supported and can be used with all of Ballistic Explorer's features
including the Drag Analyzer. With a few clicks see just how a custom
drag function compares to a standard drag function and if it makes
any real-world improvement on trajectory predictions.
- Version 6.5.1 released January,
2016: Added 2 calibers: 17 Win Super Mag, and 7x65mm R Brenneke.
Added 42 new loads and 77 new bullets. More bullet manufacturers are
now publishing bullet lengths and some have updated their BC values,
so we used that new data to update 247 bullets already in the bullet
library. Now there are over 2600 loads and over 2475 bullets in the
- Version 6.5.0 released April, 2015:
Added Spin Drift and Coriolis effect to the Trace windows. The new Trace
window shown below.

Added Bullet Stability and Twist Rate Calculator along with Bullet Length
Estimator dialogs that open directly from the Trace windows to help
users determine the proper twist rate for maximum accuracy.

All records in the Ammo/Bullet library now include either the actual
length or the estimated length of the bullet as determined by our unique
bullet length estimator, which is accurate to within 1/3 caliber over
92 percent of the time. Added the following calibers: 6.5x47mm Lapua,
450-400 Nitro Express 3, and 5.56 Nato. Added 119 loads and 335 bullets.
There are now over 2560 loads and over 2400 bullets in the Ammo/Bullet
library. As before, the G1 BC is displayed for each bullet and the G7
BC is also displayed for those bullets where the manufacturer publishes
the G7 BC.
- Version 6.4.7 released October, 2014:
Added the following calibers: 275 Rigby, 300 AAC Blackout, 5.7x28, 6.5x47mm
Lapua, 8x57 JS, and 8x57 JRS. Per a user suggestion the splash window
automatically closes as the program is started. Extended the range of
values the calculate BC from time of flight accepts and likewise the
equal time of flight drag function conversion. Added 85 loads and 103
bullets. Now there are over 2440 loads and over 2060 bullets in the
- Version 6.4.6 released April, 2012:
Added the following calibers: 17 Hornet, 300 Whisper, 450 Nitro Express
3¼, and 475 Linebaugh. Added 154 loads and 136 bullets. Now there
are over 2350 loads and over 1960 bullets in the library.
- Version 6.4.5 released September, 2011:
Users now have the option to display or graph C.D.F.C., drop, path,
and wind drift data in MOA or any other sight adjustment unit as well
as inches or centimeters.

Added custom sight adjustment units so users can add up to ten of their
own sight adjustment units such as clicks for specific scopes or iron

Added the following calibers: 6mm Norma BR, 6mmXC, 6.5-284 Norma, 7x57R
Mauser, 8x68S, 9.3x57 Mauser, 450 Rigby, 500 Jeffery, and 505 Gibbs.
There are now over 2200 loads and over 1820 bullets in the Ammo/Bullet
library. The G1 BC is displayed for each bullet and the G7 BC is also
displayed for those bullets where the manufacturer publishes the G7
- Version 6.4.4 released May, 2011:
Added export to Excel feature to the Chart, Examine, and Report displays
as shown below. Click the save to file button and a menu pops up with
the option to save the data to an Excel file or a text file. The parameters
for the selected trace are also saved to the Excel file in a separate
tab from the data.

Added save to PDF feature to the Print Preview display as shown shown
below. Simply click the save to file button, select PDF as the file
format and save the printout to file. PDF files are a great way of preserving
or distributing interesting data.

Added the Allow Print Setup check box to the Printing Options dialog
as shown below. For those who have more than one printer checking this
box allows you to select the printer you want to use.

- Version 6.4.3 released November, 2010:
Improved drag function conversion feature so that it now supports conversion
of multiple velocity range BC values to single BC values. Added the
following calibers: 17 Remington Fireball, 30 Remington AR, 30 Thompson
Center, 300 Ruger Compact Mag, 308 Marlin Express, 338 Lapua Magnum,
338 Marlin Express, 338 Ruger Compact Mag, 375 Ruger, 376 Steyr, 404
Jeffery, 416 Ruger, 450 Bushmaster, 5.45x39mm Russian, 50 Action Express,
500 Nitro Express, 6.5 Creedmoor, 6.5 Grendel, 6.8mm Rem SPC, and 9.3x74R.
There are now over 2040 loads in the library. Added option to let the
user select from among the five sight adjust units shown below.

- Version 6.4.2 released May, 2010:
Added Magtech ammo and bullets to the Ammo / Bullet library for the
first time. Added 100 loads and 43 bullets. Now there are over 1900
loads and over 1750 bullets in the library. Added the 9x21mm caliber.
Added a secondary means of saving the registration codes as a few Windows
7 or Vista users reported needing to reenter registration codes each
time they ran the program.
- Version 6.4.1 released September, 2009:
Added Remington bullets to the Bullet library for the first time, 66
of them. Now there's over 1700 bullets in the library.
- Version 6.4.0 released April, 2009:
Improved the Graph display by making it sizable, adding the Zero Adjustment
graph type, adding tabs for selecting the graph type, doubling the number
of points plotted to produce smoother graphs, and enabling the up, down,
left and right arrow keys to position the crosshair.

- Version 6.3.0 released March 23, 2009:
Changed Range Increments to allow 1, 5 and 10 yards or meters at all
scales even out to 2,500 yards or meters. Larger increments depend on
the scale as shown in the chart below:

Printing has also been improved so that multiple page printouts are
now supported. Printing options now include "banding" in various
colors which adds a background color to every other line when printing
the Examine and Report displays. The print preview is also improved.
- Version 6.2.2 released
January, 2009: Added 136 loads to the Ammo library.
These include loads for the following five new calibers: 325 Win Short
Magnum, 327 Federal Magnum, 370 Sako Magnum, 460 S&W Magnum, and
7.62x25 Tokarev. Also changed the way the demo works so that all the
bullets in the database can be seen while running in demo mode.
- Version 6.2.1 released
November, 2008: Added 320 bullets to the Bullet library.
Stopped displaying the disclaimer page every time the Ammo/Bullet library
is first opened during a session.
- Version 6.2.0 released
November, 2007: Replaced the help system and added
lots of graphics. Redid the Tutorials from scratch. The new help system
makes the program compatible with Windows® Vista. Adds a new method
for conversion from one drag function to another drag function. Made
four bug fixes to the Explore display.
- Version 6.1.0 released
September, 2006: Adds the new Explore display that
makes it easy to get answers to common shooting problems.
- Version 6.0.2 released
July 2006: Fixed a bug that caused incorrect values
for wind drift when the MOA option was selected, but only when using
range in meters, with all other values in English units.
- Version 6.0.1 released
April, 2006: Added 63 new loads to the Ammo library
including loads for the calibers like the new 338 Federal, 450 Marlin,
458 Lott, and 480 Ruger.
Version 6.0.0 released January,
2006: This is the first version modified specifically for
electronic commerce. When installed, the program operates in demo
mode for up to 30 days, and while all the major features work, the
allowable range of ballistic coefficients is limited. When purchased,
a serial number and key code are sent by e-mail, which when entered
into the program, unlocks all the features. Dexadine, Inc. has provided
generous free upgrades in the past and will continue to do so with
version 6.x.x as we add a host of new features in the coming months
and years.
